Eating Paleo/Primal in Disney

When my family decided to take a trip to Disney World in Orlando, I have to admit, I was a bit apprehensive.  Don’t get me wrong, I was totally excited for the excitement and fun that I was sure my son would experience.  The dilemma traveling through my brain was, “What the heck are we going to eat?” My family has been Paleo/Primal for many years now and eating fast food or artificial snacks and convenience foods is just not an option anymore.  Goodbye MacDonalds salads, farewell peanut M&M’s! These bodies that we have here on Earth are a gift from God and we want to fuel them with quality food that will heal and support us through our daily lives.  I do not consider this to be “being difficult” or “picky” as some would label it.  This is about keeping my family healthy and being able to enjoy a vacation without having bloated tummies, headaches, and energy dips.  This is about keeping my little guy seizure-free and keeping my husband free of asthma (as he has been for many years now since changing our diet–yay!).   I decided that I had two options.  Option #1: Just wing it–we have all done this before and yes, it may be the simple route, but it is not the wisest  or healthiest decision.  Option #2: Plan, plan, and when you think you have it all figured out, plan some more!  So, I went with Option #2 but with the idea that I would not freak out if we weren’t 100% perfect over the course of our trip.  The first obstacle to conquer, the airport!

Eating Paleo at the Airport

I love to travel, love it!  I have to admit that in the past, the best part of flying somewhere was the permission that I gave myself to pig out on Little Debbies, Dr. Pepper, and Doritos just because we were “on vacation”.  Since these are all snacks of vacation pasts, I needed something satisfying to nosh on at the airport.  We were traveling during the dinner hour and my boys get cranky when they are not fed so this is what I came up with.

Paleo airport meals

Here we have Paleo sandwich bread with some nitrate/preservative/sugar free bacon and some grass fed cheddar in between, half of an avocado, green bell peppers, blueberries, trail mix (cashews, macadamia nuts, no sugar added dried cranberries, and dried coconut flakes), and a bag of avocado oil potato chips. ( I know, I know, potatoes are one of those hot buttons in the Paleosphere as to wether or not they are caveman approved.  You have to decide what works best for you and your own family.  Since these are fried in healthy avocado oil, I allow them for a treat – yummy!  I figure it’s better than Cool Ranch Doritos any day.)  This was a big hit with the family on the airplane!  Lots of things to chew on and keep you occupied during the flight.  Don’t have time to make an airplane meal?  I found some healthy treats at DFW airport, you just have to look!

airport coconut water paleo veg:fruit at airport

I spotted some Coconut water, raw veggies, and fresh fruit.  I also saw lots of salads (yup, I brought my own salad dressing) and raw nuts at both airports.  No excuses to grab that Wendy’s Value Meal!

Eating Paleo at the Hotel

Our first stop once we landed in Orlando was to stop by the local Whole Foods store.  What I failed to realize was the time change had us landing at the exact time the store was closing.  Never fear!  I had snacks enough for breakfast the next morning before we could get to the store.  (See my post about all of the favorite Paleo Snacks that I packed.)  This was our first food challenge and luckily we were prepared and didn’t succumb to the breakfast drive-thru on our first morning.

Click here to see my must-have Paleo snacks for any trip!

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We headed to Whole Foods armed with our list and had fun luxuriating in all of the different products we found.  There are so many healthy ready-to-eat options as well.  Even if you don’t have a car, you can always have the taxi driver swing by a health foods store on your way to the hotel.  The amount of money you will save from not eating out 3 meals a day will more than cover an extra 15 minute taxi cab ride.  My mom packed her Nutra Bullet and we picked up our smoothie essentials so we could count on a healthy start to our mornings.   We used my basic “Super Smoothie” recipe with coconut milk, avocados, frozen berries, spinach, banana, Metagenics UltraClear, and some coconut water.  Everyone likes their smoothie a little different so we changed the formula according to our individual tastes.

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Paleo Eating in the Parks

As you read in my earlier post, I packed a ginormous amount of snacks to keep my family fueled when we couldn’t find a healthy option for a sit down meal at the parks.  The great thing about Disney and Universal for Paleo eaters is that there is always someone selling a giant turkey leg nearby!  I realize that this may not be grass-fed or 100% organic but I still count it as a viable Paleo meal because it is actual “food”, not processed or packaged.  At Universal Studios, we visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and I was determined to eat at The Three Broomsticks!  (Yes, I am that dork.  Yes, I would have dressed up like Hermione if it wasn’t so darn hot!)  I also spotted lots of healthy food stands with chopped pineapple, grapefruit, apples, and bananas.  We got a giant turkey quarter that came with corn on the cob, and caramelized onions.  We supplemented this meal with dried fruit and nuts and were all pleasantly full.  I am never without my lemon Stevia, it was fantastic to drink a nice glass of iced tea on a hot day at the park.

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At Disney, we visited Gaston’s Pub for lunch (Yes, like Beauty and Beast Gaston–loved it!)  The menu focused on some lovely roasted pork shanks.  They were fall apart tender and incredibly tasty.  Simple food with very few ingredients, this is the key to eating clean while traveling.  We got some sides of raw veggies and tossed the chemical laden salad dressing in the trash and broke out the Tessemae’s dressing instead. (Can I just say, that dressing was SO awesome?  I would eat anything with that yummy vinaigrette poured on it).  I also brought some Jason’s Almond butter for the celery sticks. This was such an easy meal and we were all satisfied but not bloated.  Every one of us remarked at how happy our tummy’s were after each meal.  No headaches, no body aches, no gas, no blood sugar crashing, it is amazing how well our bodies will function with the right fuel.

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We also had a turkey leg at Disney Hollywood Studios.  If you don’t like to eat large chunks of meat with built-in handles, I would recommend grabbing a salad from the fresh markets throughout the park and dressing it up with some healthy dressing, nuts, seeds, and an avocado brought from home.  You could add a banana slathered with some almond butter for a dessert if you are still hungry.  There is always an option to eat healthy.  No one stopped me on the street and forced a funnel cake in my mouth – although that would be a great story!  Eating healthy is our choice, and no one else’s.

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When hunger hit us while walking through the park or waiting in line, we happily munched on our prepared snacks and many bottles of water.  If you don’t want to carry around food on your back (my husband readily agreed to carry the food so he wouldn’t starve) you can check your food in a locker at the entrance and fetch it when you are ready to eat.  We even found a cozy Chinese restaurant while strolling through Epcot and snagged a soothing cup of hot tea during one of the many deluges!

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Dining Out in Disney

Here is the easy part.  Disney makes it so easy to make dinner reservations for those of us on a special diet.  There is a website that lists all of the restaurants on and off Disney property and their menu.  I was looking for places that were not buffet style but were also not fine dining.  Once you select the restaurant you want to visit, you choose the day and time to reserve a table.  At this point, you can check what food allergies or sensitivities you may have.  This information is relayed to the hostess that seats you and then on to the chef.  At each restaurant we visited, the chef came out of the kitchen and explained some options that we might enjoy from the menu.

We visited Wolf Gang Pucks, Raglan Road, The Rose and Crown, and the Sci-Fi Drive In.  I have to say, Wolf Gang Pucks was a bit of a disappointment.  Not only did we find out that Wolfgang doesn’t own the restaurant, he has nothing to do with the menu or the food preparation.  As a die-hard foodie, this was really disappointing.  Nevertheless, I had a flat iron steak with an arugala salad and some broccollini.  It was tasty but not as thrilling as I imagined it was going to be.  Oh well, live and learn!

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Our big “cheat” was at the Raglan Road Irish Pub.  They have an extensive gluten free menu and we got an order of gluten free onion rings and gluten free fried fish.  Now, this is NOT PALEO!   Go ahead and call the Paleo police, it was worth it!   I think that you have to make smart eating decisions and you have to find what works best for you and your body.  I didn’t feel one bit guilty indulging in this special treat and it didn’t bother our stomachs like the original gluten laden version always did in the past.   I did my research and I planned ahead to have a non-Paleo dinner one night and it was fantastic!

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Starting the day with our Super Smoothies really helped keep us energized and ready to hit those parks!  I highly recommend that you plan ahead for any vacation and bring anything and everything with you to stay on track.  You really can’t be TOO prepared.  I like to look at it like the 80/20 plan.  If I can stay 80% compliant on a magical vacation and only splurge 20% (I personally never splurge with sugar or gluten) I feel like I have done a good job of keeping my family on track health-wise without feeling deprived.  We had a fabulous time and none of us had upset stomachs or bloating from making less than stellar food choices.  What is the hardest part about traveling for you and your family?  Do you need ideas about what you can do to stay on track during your next vacation?


Super Smoothie Recipe

When my clients need a super nutritious and stomach soothing breakfast solution, I usually recommend they start with my Super Smoothie Recipe.  This is a really versatile recipe filled with nutritious greens, healthy fats, and proteins to keep you going all morning.  I never recommend a smoothie being any less than 1/2 green vegetables so don’t skimp on those vegetables!  An all fruit smoothie in the morning will just be setting you up for a sugar crash come 10 am!

Super Smoothie Recipe

Super Smoothie Recipe

1 avocado

1 cup frozen organic berries

1 banana

1 cup full fat coconut milk from a can

1 cup coconut water (check the labels for a low sugar option)

2 handfuls kelp or spinach

2 tbsp grass fed gelatin (Haven’t heard about this gelatin? Learn more about it here.)

1 packet stevia (optional).

Mix everything well with a high speed blender.  Remember, this is just a guideline.  If you like different fruit or prefer all spinach, go for it!  Also, if you want an easy way to get in all of your vitamins and minerals for the day, I highly recommend adding a scoop of this protein powder as well.


Getting Ready For Disney: Paleo “Nutritional First Aid Kit”

Paleo Travel Kit

Yup, I am one of those people that “labels” things.  I almost broke out the label maker but I didn’t want to embarrass myself too badly!  I just wanted to show you my family’s emergency “Nutritional First Aid Kit” for our upcoming journey to Disney.  As my son has grown, his health needs have changed, and so has our travel kit.  Whether he was a baby traveling to Napa, a big six year old going over the pond to Ireland, or taking a quick trip to Oklahoma to see his great grandma we always pack some kind of bag with nutritional supplements and oils.  I like to think I would have been a good Boy Scout but I have forgotten my own makeup and socks on too many occasions to deserve that designation.  For now, I will settle with being “mostly” prepared for anything.  So what do I have packed for this trip? Well, we have your standard emergency kit with Angry Bird band-aids and antiseptic wipes, hand sanitizer spray, a sewing kit (not that I know how to so or anything, notice it has never been opened), a nail kit with emory board and clippers, tissues, sunscreen, scissors (because don’t you ALWAYS need a pair while you are traveling?), some Aveda Blue Oil for headaches and some Benedryl Spray for bug bites.  The rest of the products I consider a vital part of my “Nutritional First Aid Kit”.  These are a few of my must haves when traveling:

1.  Digestive Health Supplements

digestgold pb8acv capsules

Raise your hand if you have “tummy troubles” when you travel?  It seems to be a very common occurrence across the board so I like to be prepared as much as possible.  It could be the hours of sitting on the airplane, the change in your normal eating routine, or the inevitable “cheats” that domino into “What diet? I’m on vacation!” that might lead to a rumbly tummy or digestive distress.  Enter my digestion kit.  I believe that the trifecta for good gut health is

  • A good Digestive Enzyme containing the following enzymes;  amylase (to digest carbohydrates), protease (to digest protein) , and lipase (to digest fat)
  • Probiotic to keep the healthy gut flora high, and
  • Some form of Hydrochloric Acid to keep a majority of “good” stomach acid in the stomach.

There are many reasons to take a Digestive Enzyme, including the following:

  •  Enzymes are vital to human survival because they are responsible for every chemical reaction that takes place in our bodies.  These reactions allow our cells to build up and bread down molecules quickly.  Vitamins, minerals, and hormones mean nothing without the labor force of enzymes.
  • Our typical diet of processed and cooked foods drain our enzyme supply because processed foods with additives, preservatives, nitrates, etc., do not contain the digestive enzymes needed for proper digestion and absorption of nutrients.
  • Some raw foods contain enzyme inhibitors.  This means that some foods actually neutralize the enzymes that your body creates.  These foods include peanuts, raw wheat germ, egg whites, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, potatoes, and lentils.
  • Many factors cause our bodies to use up enzymes faster;  extreme hot and cold temperatures or strenuous exercise will use up enzymes at a faster rate.  This in turn effects the absorption of nutrients which then leads to sickness and disease.
  • Enzyme levels drop significantly with age.  So pretty much every day you are making a little less than the day before, scary thought, huh?

Why you should probably take a Probiotic

Probiotics are products containing the helpful bacteria that normally inhabit the human digestive track.  In the intestinal tract, these beneficial microbes help complete the digestive process, and some actually produce vitamins.  There is even evidence that without them, the immune system can’t work properly, lessening resistance to infection.  (I also like to grab a couple of bottles of Kombucha to sip on through the day.  This is full of probiotics and is a tasty, bubbly alternative to soda.  If you have never had Kombucha, I don’t recommend drinking more than 2 oz. the first day and gradually increasing as your stomach flora balances.)

Why do we need MORE Hydrochloric Acid, I thought stomach acid was bad?

Hydrochloric acid is the good stomach acid that your body produces naturally.  It is produced to break down and digest our foods.  Most Americans have an abundance of bad stomach acid from drinking coffee, eating sugar and processed foods, and eating too many acid producing foods.  Acid reflux is normally a sign of too low of a level of hydrochloric acid or stomach acid.  Apple cider vinegar and lemon juice are the two easiest ways to increase your hydrochloric acid levels.

I also included a sample size of Gluten Ease in case any of us accidentally get “glutened” at a restaurant.  This product works fast to digest gluten and hopefully reduce any digestive upset.

2.  Activated Charcoal Capsules


Activated Charcoal is a well known antidote as it adsorbs most organic toxins, chemicals and poisons before they can harm the body. Some Emergency Rooms administer large doses of activated charcoal for certain types of poisoning.  I like to keep it handy for spider bites (mixed with baking soda to form a paste and applied to bite as well as taken internally), accidental ingestion of toxins, food poisoning, or for stomach bugs.  (You can also use it to whiten your teeth but that is another post.)

According to The Wellness Mama:

“Activated charcoal is considered to be the most effective single agent available. It is used after a person swallows or adsorbs almost any toxic drug or chemical.

  • Activated charcoal is estimated to reduce absorption of poisonous substances up to 60%.
  • It works by adsorbing chemicals, thus reducing their toxicity (poisonous nature), through the entire length of the stomach and small and large intestines (GI tract).
  • Activated charcoal itself is a fine, black powder that is odorless, tasteless, and nontoxic.
  • Activated charcoal is often given after the stomach is pumped (gastric lavage). Gastric lavage is only effective immediately after swallowing a toxic substance (within about one-half hour) and does not have effects that reach beyond the stomach as activated charcoal does.” For more information on how to use activated charcoal visit this site.

3.  Essential Oils


My two favorite essential oils to travel with are the Thieves Oil blend and the Peace and Calming Blend by Young Living Essential Oils.

  •  Thieves Oil is a one-of-a-kind blend with a pleasant, spicy aroma and a combination of oils designed to support a healthy immune system. I want to make sure everyone’s immune system stays strong while we travel through the airport and on the plane.  You can dilute it in a carrier oil and apply to the soles of the feet, wrists, or rub through hair.
  • Peace and Calming is a combination of oils that simultaneously sooth and uplift.  I figure the whole family can use this when the plane is delayed or we are waiting in long lines at the park.  Rubbing on the soles of your feet at night can also encourage a restful night’s sleep.

4. The Amino Acid L-Histadine for Allergies


My son and husband have seasonal allergies and this always test well for them both during the Spring months hear in Texas, when every known allergen to mankind seems to be blowing through the wind. (In addition to the L-Histidine I have also included a NET Remedy for environmental and food allergies.)

What is L-Histadine? Glad you asked!

“Histidine is a semi-essential amino acid that your body needs during periods of growth, stress, and recovery from illness and injury. This nutrient is an essential amino acid for children. Dietary sources include pork, poultry, cheese, and wheat germ.  Because taking too much histidine can cause a copper deficiency, you may need to supplement your diet with extra copper.  Although health practitioners use histidine less frequently than other amino acids, your body uses it to make histamine, which reduces your sensitivity to allergens. (Your body, however, can’t make all the histamine you need.) This amino acid can also enhance the uptake of some minerals like zinc and inhibit the absorption of copper.”

5.  Metagenics Ultracare for Kids


I know that several of my clients have purchased this supplement for their kiddos and had great success. I started giving it to my son years ago when he was first diagnosed with severe food allergies.  It is free of all allergens and provides all of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients he needs for the day.  He likes to mix it in our Nutra Bullet with a banana, coconut milk, his probiotic, and an oil blend for a “pre-breakfast” in the morning (I like to think we have adopted a hobbit lifestyle around here; preferring a pre-breakfast, breakfast, maybe some “elevensies”, lunch time, tea time, supper, after-dinner-snack, etc.  There is never a bad time for healthy food.  Eat when you are hungry!)

6.  Vitamin C and Zinc

Vitamin Czinc

These are pretty crucial for our immune system as well as keeping our adrenals strong during times of stress.  I think that traveling is a good case for both of them!

  • Healthy adrenal function requires Vitamin C, and some of the highest concentrations of Vitamin C in the whole body are found in the adrenal glands. If you`ve experienced symptoms like fatigue, depression, inability to cope with stress, or emotional instability and if you suspect adrenal fatigue is the underlying cause, Vitamin C can be a vital part of your recovery process.
  • Zinc is a mineral that’s important to the body in many ways. Zinc keeps the immune system strong, helps heal wounds, and supports normal growth.   It can also help to lessen the severity and duration of the common cold.

In conclusion, you can see that I like to be prepared, not because I am a worrier, but because I hate the thought of buying any of these products on the road when I know I have a cabinet full of them at home!  And it is really unlikely that they sell any of these at the local Wal-Mart.  As with any supplement, I like to utilize Muscle Response Testing to test which of these products are good for my clients.  Everyone’s body is different, but this is what works well for my family.  What are some of the common struggles you face while traveling? What do you always wish you had brought from home?





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Getting Ready for Disney: Top 8 Paleo Snacks

travel paleo snacks

Ahh, vacation.  I am so ready for a little break from everyday life.  This stay-at-home, home-schooling, nutritional consulting, blogging mom needs a change in her scenery and I think that Disney is just the place!  However, how many moms out there cringe at the idea of a vacation?  I have to admit, sometime the thought of planning and packing is a slight deterrent to getting me out of the house.  So, I thought I would tackle one of the most important part of any trip– snacks!  I have been Paleo/Primal for about 5 or so years (it’s been so long, I have lost count) and this creates its own unique challenges when we travel.  It can be hard to find places to eat that provide Paleo or Primal meals that are affordable and of good quality.   Gone are the days of grabbing a Happy Meal at the airport or stocking up on candy and pretzels at Wal-Mart on our way out of town.  Don’t despair though!  Eating healthy and satisfying snacks can be just as easy, with a little bit of preparation and a well stocked pantry, you will be ready for a getaway at a moments notice.  Below are some of my MUST haves for any trip.  These are all items that you can find at your local Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocer, or other health foods store.  (Note: Since we are flying, these are all shelf stable-type foods.   I will also post my shopping list for when I touchdown in Florida.)

1.  Larabars


These are pretty much a necessity for my whole family.  They are portable and everyone can choose their favorite flavor.  With very few ingredients, these bars are made of mostly nuts, dates, and sometimes dried coconut or other dried fruit.  Word of caution:  These are pretty high in sugar so I wouldn’t recommend using as a meal replacement on a consistent basis.  But, when you are sitting at the airport, waiting for your flight, these are certainly a better option than a king size bag of peanut M&M’s.  I purchase a box of Larabars at Costco but you can also find them at most health food stores.

2.  Tanka Beef Jerky


Protein! This can be such a hard part of the diet to go portable with.  I am all about bringing hard boiled eggs and a tuna pouch with me on the airplane but I don’t think the other passengers would appreciate it.  Enter Tanka Bars.  I am usually not a huge beef jerky fan because I always worry about  pulling out a filling.  However, Tanka bars are completely different.  Since they are made with buffalo meat they are so tender and easy to chew, I am betting even the little kiddos will be able to nosh happily.  They contain dried cranberries in most varieties which adds a little pop of freshness and a hint of sweet.  The bars have around 6 grams of sugar for the whole thing.  They come in sticks, bars, and bags of “little bites”.  A must have when you turn caveman and “must eat meat”!  Here are the ingredients for the Spicy Pepper Variety, (my favorite):  Buffalo, Dried Cranberries, (cranberries, sugar), Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Habanero, Jalapeno, Spice, Red Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Lactic Acid Starter Culture.  Nothing scary, no weird preservatives or chemicals.  (The other wonderful option for jerky is Primal Pacs but since they are only available online, they didn’t make this list.)

3.  Go Raw Cookies

go raw cookies

These are a personal favorite of my sons.  He likes the Original Cookie flavor but they come in tons of different flavors like Ginger Snaps and Chocolate Super Cookie.  The Original flavor contains organic coconut, unsulphured sesame seeds, and organic dates.  They are pretty tasty!  I like to dip mine in a pouch of nut butter like Justin’s Almond Butter (see below)  to get more protein and fat in my snack.  If you have little people with little hands, these are the perfect size for them to happily munch on and get a great dose of healthy fats for energy.

4.  Nut Butter


I am never without a pouch of nut butter in my purse.  However, when traveling through security you will have to put them in your ziplock bag for liquids since they are “somewhat” liquidy.  FAA states that each container has to be less than 2 oz. and the Classic Almond Butter by Justin’s come in at 1.15 oz. each.  These are  such a great source of protein and fat.  You can also pack a couple of apples in your bag to squirt on the apple as you eat.  Since it is next to impossible to find a plastic knife in the airport I would give up on trying to cut it up.   It’s awesome on bananas too!

5. Dried Fruit


I like to use dried fruit mixed in with my nuts.  Since, it is high in sugar I use it very sparingly.  Also, make sure you that you read those ingredient lists and find out if there is any added sugar (a seemingly daunting task, I know).  Sugar can go by many names, so do your research and keep away from them.  Sometimes they add fruit juice to sweeten the dried fruit and I find this usually to be an acceptable amount of natural sugar.  My favorite dried fruit to take on a trip?  PRUNES!  Yes, they help with digestion and since traveling seems to bring on the tummy troubles in some, it’s always a good dried fruit to keep on hand.

6.  Plantain and Taro Root Chips

plantain chipstaro root

Trader Joe’s carries a plantain chip that is made of plantains and sunflower seed oil–that’s all.  Now there is debate on the Paleo blogosphere as to whether sunflower seed oil is acceptable since we don’t know exactly how the oil is processed in these chips.  That being said, plantains are a safe starch and don’t cause digestive issues like your typical corn tortilla chip can.  The other option that I have been known to pack in my purse are the Terra brand Taro Root Chips.  These are great when you need a delivery method for your guacamole or salsa and they really satisfy that chip craving when you are watching everyone else go to town at the local Tex-Mex restaurant.  Bonus, you won’t feel bloated or foggy brained after eating these chips!  I can’t guarantee that same feeling if you indulge in the margarita though…

7.  Avocados and Coconut Butter


It is so important to keep as much fat with you as possible (and I’m not talking about that annoyingly stubborn belly fat) .  Healthy sources of fat will keep you satiated and also curb those sugar cravings that are inevitable during vacation.  No, I am not talking about fat from a Big Mac or Krispy Creme doughnut, that is an UNHEALTHY fat!  A good example of a portable, healthy fat is an avocado,macadamia nuts, olives, or shredded coconut flakes.  If you can’t find a knife at the airport, you can cut it in half before you leave and put it back together and cover with plastic wrap to keep it from going brown.  My other favorite portable fat is Artisans brand small pouches of Coconut Butter or Coconut Manna, yummy!

8. Dark Chocolate

Dagoba-Organics-ORganic-Dark-Chocolate-Eclipse-810474001133  TraderJoesDarkChocolateLovers85WrapperWeb

Yes, I know.  You are thinking, chocolate bars aren’t very Paleo are they?  Well, it depends on what type of chocolate you are looking at.  If you are eyeing those Hershey bars at Walgreens, look away!  No, what we are looking for is a very, very dark chocolate with a very low sugar content.  My two favorites are the the Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Bar that is 85% Cacao and the Dagoba Eclipse Bar that only has 8 grams of sugar for the entire bar!  The good thing about dark chocolate is that a little goes a long way and I double dog dare you to eat an entire bar of dark chocolate!  Usually one small square of chocolate and a few macadamia nuts keeps me from attacking that junk food and I am completely satisfied.

Follow me on Facebook at Nutrition Tested For You for more great recipes, nutrition tips, and product reviews!

Getting Ready for Disney: Sunscreen Options


As I prepare my family for our big Florida adventure, I am going through my mental checklist.  Clothes, ear plugs, a book that I won’t get to read, tons of Paleo food, a big hat to look silly in, etc.  Not only do I try to make sure we have plenty of healthy snacks and food options available to stay on track, I want to make sure that we aren’t adding any unnecessary toxins to our bodies. Have you ever stopped to read the ingredient list on a bottle of sunscreen?  Yikes!  Who knew it was so toxic to protect ourselves from the sun.  Considering our skin is the largest organ and has the largest pores for absorption, I have been very concerned with what products we have been slathering on this year.  After doing some research, I have found there are some specific chemicals that we need to stay away from:

Oxybenzone:  Widespread Detected in nearly every American; found in mother’s milk; 1-to-9% skin penetration in lab studies;  Acts like estrogen in the body; alters sperm production in animals; associated with endometriosis in women; Relatively high rates of skin allergy

4-MBC: Pending FDA approval;  Found in mothers’ milk; skin penetration in lab studies Stimulates estrogen-dependent tumor cells; associated with reproductive disorders and behavioral changes in animals

3-BC: Pending FDA approval;  Found in mothers’ milk; skin penetration in lab studies Hormone-like activity; delays puberty and impairs reproduction in animals

And those are just the top three most toxic chemicals found in some commercial sunscreens!  (If you want to see the entire list, click here).  Anything that adds more estrogen to my body or acts like estrogen is a bad idea in my book.  Especially when so many breast cancers are being caused by estrogen dominance.  Keep an eye out for these ingredients in ANYTHING that you buy for your summer sun protection.

When I go to the store, I utilize Muscle Response Testing to determine which products are the best ones for my family and me.  This is in addition to careful label reading.  Well, let me tell you, not many of the sunscreens I tested proved safe for ANY of us!  I was totally shocked that only ONE of the sunscreens was not toxic to someone or to an organ in one of our bodies.  As someone who used to suffer from hypothyroid, fibroid cysts, and liver congestion (among many other things), I am not about to use a toxic product that will be absorbed right into my skin, and taken straight to the rest of my body.


This general purpose sunscreen and this one formulated for the face were the only ones that muscle tested positively for all of the members of my family.  I always encourage my clients to bring anything from home that they would like me to test them on.  This way we can rule out possible allergy sources as well as adding additional toxins to ourselves.  This pale skin of mine has to be protected with something, and now I know that I can protect it and not  have any allergic reactions or yucky side effects!

What type of products to you worry about using on your family?


Product Love: Great Lakes Gelatin

12 Uses for Gelatin


Did you know that it can help improve cellulite and reduce wrinkles? Enough said! I like to use it to make pudding and “jello jigglers” out of overly ripe fruit, coconut milk or coconut water.  You will be amazed at all of the great ways we can use this amino acid packed supplement. Can’t find it at the store? You can buy it here.

1. Homemade Marshmallows

This is definitely my kids’ favorite use of Gelatin, and we even add probiotics to make them more healthy. The only ingredients are honey, gelatin, vanilla and water, so they are a great alternative to store bought treats.

These are also easy to make and you can add cocoa powder or mint extract for flavor variations…

2. Hair Treatment

Natural homemade healthy coconut shampoo – kid approved. I got this tip from Pinterest and have been amazed at what an intensive conditioning and strengthening treatment it is! To make, stir 1 tablespoon of Gelatin powder in to 1/2 cup of cool water until mixed. Add 1/2 cup warm/hot water, 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey to create a thick gel/liquid. Pour into hair and massage through hair and scalp. Leave on for at least 5 minutes and rinse with hot water. Shampoo as normal.

It is suggested to do this up to a few times a week to get desired hair thickness/strength and then once a week for maintenance.

3. DIY Children’s Vitamins

Homeade Gummy Vitamins. Kids love these and they are gut friendly inexpensive and customizeable to your child for grown ups too. Most store bought chewable vitamins have a lot of sugar, dyes and additives in them. These homemade chewable vitamins are a great alternative, plus your kids will get the benefits of Gelatin too!

There are endless flavor combinations, and They are simple to make at home! Here’s the recipe.

4. Thickening Shampoo

If you want thicker/stronger hair, adding a teaspoon of gelatin powder to your shampoo can give your hair that boost. It will also add texture and volume to hair immediately. If you use homemade shampoo like mine, you will only need to add about 1/2 tsp to a small batch. If you use a regular bottle shampoo, you can add a teaspoon or more for desired effect!

5. Homemade Jello

No sugar jello packets have some nasty fake ingredients, but it is simple to make a healthy version at home. With homemade Jello, you can customize the flavors, add vitamins, or even use water kefir or kombucha as the base for a vitamin and probiotic boost!

6. Wrinkle Reducer

You know those $50+ wrinkle reducer miracle creams that don’t work? Save a lot of money by just taking gelatin internally each day and using coconut oil for skin care! Gelatin is essentially cooked, powdered collagen (that ingredient they charge you an arm and a leg for that doesn’t even work well externally…;).

Taking Gelatin internally provides the body the building blocks to build great skin, hair and nails from the inside out and helps reduce wrinkles (and stretch marks, as I’ve found since mine are vanishing this time while I’m still pregnant!).

7. Digestive Aid

Constipation? Digestive issues? Gelatin might help!

Nourishing Traditions and much of the information I’ve read from the Weston A. Price foundation recommend Gelatin (usually in the form of homemade bone broth) as a digestive aid, as it can sooth and help heal the digestive track. I’ve noticed tremendous benefits in our son who we put on the GAPS protocol, and I’ve also seen daily gelatin help keep bowels regular and smooth.

8. Joint Help

Gelatin also provides the building blocks for healthy joints and people with arthritis, joint injuries or joint pain might notice a substantial difference from incorporating Gelatin rich foods and supplements. Even WebMD talks about the joint uses of Gelatin:

“Gelatin is used for weight loss and for treating osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and brittle bones (osteoporosis). Some people also use it for strengthening bones, joints, and fingernails. Gelatin is also used for improving hair quality and to shorten recovery after exercise and sports-related injury.”

9. Skin Mask

Gelatin is most effective when used internally, but even externally, it can smooth and strengthen skin. Another Pinterest tip: Mix 1 tablespoon Gelatin Powder with 2 tablespoons warm water and 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice and apply to face. Leave on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

10. Weight Loss

I haven’t tried it specifically for this purpose, but I’ve found forums of athletes and body builders who use plain gelatin powder for weight loss and maintenance, as they claim that it can boost Human Growth Hormone production and boost metabolism. In my opinion, Gelatin has enough other health benefits that it would be worth trying for this purpose too, even if the only result is better skin, hair, nails, joints, digestion, etc.

The protocol for weight loss is to stop eating at least 3 hours prior to bedtime, and then consume at least 1 tablespoon of gelatin powder right before bed. These guys chewed it straight, but I’d highly recommend mixing in to a cup of chamomile tea by dissolving in about 1/3 cup cool water and then adding 2/3 cup of warm tea. Much better texture and taste!

11. Hormone Help

I’ve written about natural ways to balance hormones before, and it turns out that Gelatin may help here too:

“Too much estrogen in the body (which can be caused by all sorts of reasons including hormonal imbalances, over exposure to phytoestrogens like those found in soy, and xenoestrogens found in plastics) can cause inflammation, infertility and promote accelerated aging. The wonderful, and seemingly endless benefits of gelatin have anti-estrogenic effects which can help offset the effects of excess estrogen in the body.”

12. In/From Homemade Bone Broth

The most cost effective and nutrient dense way to consume Gelatin is in the form of homemade bone broth or stock. Of couse, bone broth isn’t as good for making marshmallows, gummy vitamins, jello or hair masks, but it is an inexpensive way to consume Gelatin. I also add Gelatin powder to soups and stews for an extra gelatin boost, but if you don’t want to attempt all the other uses, at least consider incorporating homemade bone broth into your daily diet. Your gut will thank you!

For all of the recipes listed above, visit here.

What is Muscle Response Testing (MRT)?


I get a lot of questions about MRT so let me share with you how I found out about this incredible assessment tool.  I first learned of MRT at a Christian ministry in Colorado Springs called Health Quarters Ministries. It was such an amazing experience to realize that God gave us the ability to find out more about our bodies with such a simple tool as MRT, something the Chinese have been using for thousands of years. After learning about this valuable tool, I attended the Trinity School of Natural Health (a Christian organization focusing on Naturopathy, Iridology, and all forms of natural health). I became certifed as a Nutritional Consultant as well as a Health Specialist, specializing in MRT as one of the many assessment tools used in natural health. I utilize MRT everyday, whether testing supplements for my son or certain food or beauty products on myself. I can test to see if the body reacts in a positive or negative way as well as any deficiencies that may exist in the system. Utilizing MRT, I am also able to test for hundreds of food allergies and intolerances. Please take some time to read the information below and learn more about this incredible tool. If you would like to see what deficiencies your body may have, click here to schedule a consultation, or find out more about the services I offer. I look forward to helping you on your path to health!

Who Uses MRT or Muscle Response Testing?

Muscle Response Testing is a diagnostic technique that is valuable to many procedures and treatments. It is a viable, efficient and effective tool for determining the body’s needs. MRT is currently being used by many healing disciplines: medical doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, holistic dentists, veterinarians and other practitioners. In fact many books have been written on MRT.

Who Developed Muscle Testing?

Muscle testing was developed in l964 by Dr.George Goodheart, DC, a Chiropractor. He developed a diagnostic system called Applied Kinesiology, which allowed muscles to be tested for clinical and diagnostic purposes, not just to determine muscle strength. Applied Kinesiology was derived from the ancient art of Acupuncture, which was developed by the Chinese between 3000 and 25 BC.

How It Is Done?

The practitioner gently pushes down on the patient’s extended arm which is resisting the downward pressure. If we irritate the nervous system for a second, it will cause a temporary short circuit causing the testing arm to momentarily go weak. We can irritate the nervous system by touching a sensitive area on the body, a weakened reflex, acupuncture point or even by an uncomfortable or irritating thought. One of the most valuable uses of the muscle test is to ask “yes/no” questions of the nervous system, looking for a weak or strong response. This reveals information about troubled areas in the body and how to treat them.

How Does It Work?

When our body’s energy system processes a stimulus , there are thousands of instant reactions going on in the nervous system on a cellular and tissue level. Many of these are observable. Like the questions asked in a lie detector test, our heart rate may increase or decrease, our breathing rate may be altered, our pulse can change, our digestion may be effected, our skin texture will change (sweat/clammy) and muscles may get momentarily weaker or stronger.

It is our muscle response that we will pay attention to for an indicator to measure a response, reaction or state of being in the body/mind.

When the body/mind’s bio computer is momentarily focused on an irritation or imbalance in its system, our muscles seem to momentarily weaken or contract. This is not noticed in our everyday lives. However, if we were to test the strength of a muscle with MRT, we would notice a momentary weakness. It is almost as if the nervous system short circuits the muscle for a second. It is this momentary weakness that gives us our information.

What Can It Be Used For?

It is now determined that muscle testing can be used for virtually any question that can be asked of the body to make determinations about physiology, skeletal trauma, allergies, nutritional imbalances, emotional states or anything that can affect body or mind etc. This diagnostic tool is only limited to the creativity of the practitioner’s ability to ask the proper questions. Once the information is ascertained, muscle testing can then be used to find out what the body or mind will respond to in terms of a resolution to the problem.

This breakthrough allows us to obtain information about weaknesses in the body that were previously unavailable. Hidden problems that would have remained undetected until they became chronic problems could be seen in advance and treated quickly.

Another important benefit of MRT is that many of these problems fall under the radar of conventional lab and exam tests and are not discovered at all except with the benefit of MRT. *Courtesy of Health Quarters Ministries



Product Love: Cold Calm


A couple of weeks ago, Russ came home from work sounding like that guy from the Allstate commercial. His voice was a couple of octives deeper than usual and he had all the signs of a nasty cold with all the promising congestion, fatigue, and general yuckiness that comes along with it. I knew that it was only a matter of time before me and the little guy caught it as well, so I focused on protecting our immune systems. Cold Calm by Boiron is a great homeopathic remedy that can stop those colds dead in their tracks if taken at the first signs of stuffiness.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health.

Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like.” That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body’s normal healing and self-regulatory processes.

Buy it here at my Amazon Store

You take this product at that first feeling of, “hmmm, my throat feels funny”. In the beginning, you take it every 15 minutes until the symptoms subside and then every couple of hours after that. It is safe for children and very mild, so no side effects. Within 2 hours I was feeling 100% again, and Collin and I never came down with the bug. This is a must have for your medicine cabinet or to keep in your desk drawer at work this cold season!
Note: They also make a version of this for the flu, I literally buy this in the bulk size!

Natural Remedies: 14 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar


Tame tummy troubles
The pectin content in ACV helps treat diarrhea by forming bulk fibrous matter. The pectin also forms a protective coat for soothing the colon lining and intestinal spasms. Try mixing one or two tablespoons into water, or clear juice like apple juice.

Prevent indigestion
Sip before eating, especially if you know you’re going to indulge in foods that cause indigestion. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before you dine.
Can’t stomach the idea of swallowing the stuff? Scroll to the bottom for a tasty ACV Tonic recipe or buy some ACV Capsules if you prefer. Drink up!

Help clear a stuffy nose
Mix a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink. This helps sinus drainage.

Help for hiccups
Since hiccups are often caused by either low stomach acid slowing the digestion of protein, or eating too much…ACV can be a great solution for hiccups. It restores the acid balance in the stomach and eases irritating spasms of the diaphragm.

Soothe a sore throat
As soon as you feel the prickle of a sore throat, take some ACV to help head off the infection at the pass. Turns out, most germs can’t survive in the acidic environment vinegar creates. Just mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar with ¼ cup warm water and gargle every hour or so.

Reduce swelling
Rubbing apple cider vinegar onto swollen hands or feet reduces swelling. A wonderful thing during pregnancy!

Extinguish exhaustion
Exercise and sometimes extreme stress cause lactic acid to build up in the body, causing fatigue. Apple cider vinegar contains potassium and enzymes that may relieve that tired feeling. Next time you’re feeling beat, add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled vegetable drink or to a glass of water.

Relieve nighttime leg cramps
ACV taken diluted in water twice daily, will dissolve acid crystals in the blood and provide potassium, calcium and other essential minerals to the body needed to ease the leg cramps.

Banish bad breath
Due to its acidic properties, Apple Cider Vinegar makes a wonderful remedy for bad breath or halitosis. Simply add 1/2 tablespoon of ACV into a cup of water and gargle the mixture in your mouth for 10 seconds at a time until the cup is empty.

Fight yeast infections
One of the best home remedies to treat a yeast infection is Apple Cider Vinegar. Add 1 and a half cups of ACV into a bathtub filled with warm water, and then soak in it for about 20 minutes. This should be done once a day for the first 3 days of the infection.

Foot or skin fungus
Just as ACV can help kill Candida in the body, it is often useful against yeast and fungus on the skin and nails. If you have foot or toe fungus, soak the feet in 1 cup of ACV in water or apply directly to the affected area. For skin fungus or yeast, apply ACV directly. For children or those with sensitive skin, it is best to dilute the ACV with water before applying to the skin.

Control blood sugars
The anti-glycemic effects of apple cider vinegar help to improve insulin sensitivity, which is essential to maintain the sugar levels of blood. Mix one teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of filtered water and take 3 times a day to steady your stomach’s rate of digestion which in turn will keep blood sugar levels more consistent. If you are diabetic, consult your physician.

Boost weight loss
Many people claim that Apple Cider Vinegar promotes weight loss by speeding up the metabolism. A suggested remedy is to mix 2 teaspoons of the vinegar into a glass of water and drink this before every meal or sip it slowly throughout the day

Lower blood cholesterol
Research has indicated that apple cider vinegar improves the lipid profile of blood by decreasing the levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) or bad cholesterol, as also by increasing the levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) or good cholesterol. If you have high cholesterol, consult your physician.

Raw Apple Cider vinegar tonic:
1 1/2 cup of cold filtered water
2 tbs of apple or grape juice
2 tbs of raw apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of stevia (powdered) if using liquid you only need a few drops.
I only suggest using raw, organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar.
Place all the ingredients together in a glass and stir until it is all mixed together. You can add a little ice if you like, and drink!

Product Review: Paleo Wraps

paleo wraps

In general, I try not to rely on packaged food for my meals from day to day. There are just too many inflammation inducing preservatives, sugars, and additives in most packaged foods. That being said, we all have those crazy days, weeks, or even months where we don’t want to cook everything from scratch. The diet that I follow does not allow for any grains, none. That means no corn, rice, wheat, spelt, millet, etc. Conventional bread and tortillas are a thing of the past. I have done the lettuce roll ups but sometimes you just want to be able to hold a sandwich in your hands and take it out the door with you. I saw these at the store and I just had to give them a try.

These Paleo Wraps are a convenient alternative to grabbing a piece of lettuce and trying not dribble all over yourself as you eat. The ingredients are great, coconut water and coconut meat. No weird ingredients you can’t pronounce, no preservatives, nothing genetically modified. Ok, here are the negatives. The price. I got a package of these at The Natural Grocer in Denton for $9.55 for a package of 7. Yikes! Pretty high in my opinion. Then we get to the taste, I would say it’s average. It’s not that they taste bad, in fact they have a very mild flavor, not too coconutty at all – just lacking in any real taste. The thing that bothers me most is the texture. It’s a bit like trying to eat those fruit roll-ups you used to eat as a child. You really gotta sink your teeth in and tear it off. If you heat them up a bit it helps with the texture but it also makes them more delicate and your fillings are prone to leak. I took a package of these with me on a recent trip and they did come in handy for me to make a basic protein roll up with meat, cheese, bell peppers, and cucumbers. I was able to run out the door and grab my lunch to go. So, would I reccommend these? Yes and No. Yes, if you are so totally crunched for time, these are a lifesaver. No, if you don’t want to spend almost ten bucks on a package of grain free sheets of coconut and give your jaw a workout with all of the chewing.

My reccommendation, make a batch of coconut flour crepes recipe in this book on the weekend, store them in the refrigerator and save yourself some money! This book has great recipes for meals on the go and tortilla replacements made with coconut flour. I have used the coconut crepes as tortillas for quesadillias, enchiladas, and sweet dessert crepes, yummy!

2 out of 5 stars for Paleo Wraps

Product Love: Coconut Aminos (Soy Sauce Substitute)

coconut aminos

I get a lot of questions about product substitutions. When my son was diagnosed with multiple food allergies, I had to find alternatives to our favorite foods so I didn’t go crazy trying to re-invent the culinary wheel. This is one of my favorites. Coconut Aminos by Coconut Secret are a fantastic subsitute for soy sauce without the anti-nutrient results of a traditional soy based sauce. I removed soy from our diets after I learned of the many reasons not to eat soy.

Click here to purchase at my Amazon Store

Here are the details on this great product: Coconut Aminos Soy-Free Seasoning Sauce 100% Organic, Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free,Vegan Coconut Aminos is raw, very low glycemic, an abundant source of 17 amino acids, minerals, vitamin and has a nearly neutral pH. A comparison between coconut tree sap and soy, shows that coconut sap contains 2-14 times the amino acid content of soy. Small batches ensure that our organic, low glycemic Coconut Aminos, made from this natural sap, is a raw enzymatically alive product aged and blended with sun dried, mineral-rich sea salt, hand gathered from pristine waters near the southern islands of the Philippine coast. Ingredients: Organic Coconut Sap aged and blended with Sun-Dried, Mineral-Rich Sea Salt. Nutritional Facts:Serving Size 1 Tsp. (5ml), Servings per Container 48, Calories 5 Calories from Fat 0, Total Fat 0g (0% DV), Trans Fat 0g, Sodium 113mg (5% DV), Total Carbohydrate 1g (0% DV), Sugars 0g, Protein 0g, Vitamin A 0%, Vitamin C 0%, Calcium 0%, Iron 0%. Percent Daily Values (DV) are based on 2,000 calorie diet. Net wt: 8 fl oz I use this in any Asian style dish and no one in my family has ever noticed a difference it taste. It provides that nice salty balance for any dish and delivers essential amino acids your body needs. I have seen this product at Natural Grocer, Whole Foods, and some Sprouts Farmers Markets. If you can’t find it at these stores, you can purchase it here.

Product Love: Nomato and Tomatoless Meat Sauce

I have a lot of clients that are allergic/sensitive to tomatoes and other nightshade vegetables. My biggest request is for a sauce that they can slather on pizza, pasta, or use as a dip. I think this recipe and product fit the bill. So, whether you want something you can order online or a recipe you can make at home, I’ve got you covered. You don’t have to live without your pasta sauce or ketchup anymore!



Nomato Products Online

Nomato not only carries pasta sauce but they have ketchup and barbecue sauce as well! Here are the ingredients in their pasta sauce:
Ingredients: Organic Carrots, Water, Beets, Organic Onions, Lemon Juice, Kosher Salt, Garlic, Basil, Oregano, and Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C)


TomatoLess Meat Sauce Recipe
Here is a recipe courtesy of Danielle Walker from I strongly recommend you check out her website for lots of other great recipes for those with food allergies/sensitivities. (Scroll down for recipe.)

no tomato sauce

Author: Danielle Walker – Against All Grain
Recipe type: Main Dish, Sauce
2 tablespoons unsalted butter (bacon fat will work too, just reduce the salt slightly)
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cups carrots, peeled and diced
2 cups beets, peeled and diced
1 cup yellow onion, peeled and diced
1 celery stalk, chopped
5 garlic cloves, minced
3 pieces of bacon, chopped
2½ teaspoons sea salt
¼ teaspoon fresh cracked pepper
¾ cup dry red wine
1 cup chicken stock
2 bay leaves
1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped
1½ teaspoon dried oregano
½ teaspoon dried thyme
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 pound ground beef, veal, or pork (I used grassfed 85/15 beef)

Melt the butter with the olive oil in a sauce pan set over medium-high heat. Sauté the onions and garlic for 3-4 minutes. Add the bacon and cook for another 2-3 minutes, until the onions are translucent.
Add the carrots, beets, and celery and cook until the vegetables have softened slightly, about 5-6 minutes.
Pour in the wine and stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 10 minutes.
Carefully pour the sauce into a blender and blend on low for 15 seconds, then increase the speed to high and continue to blend until you have a smooth sauce.
*Be careful when blending hot liquids as they have the tendancy to splatter. You can also use an immersion blender in the pot.
Return the sauce to the pan. Add the bay leaves, basil, oregano, thyme, and vinegar. Bring to a simmer then crumble the ground meat with your hands and add it to the sauce. Cook over medium heat for 30 minutes, until the meat is fully cooked.
*The thickness of the sauce will depend on what the fat content of your meat is. If it is too thick, add a little more stock towards the end of the cooking process until it has reached your desired thickness.